⚠️ The content of the docs have not yet been updated for the current version of svu.
https:// svu / action / paste


This action pastes the text content of the clipboard into the textContent of the element (or the value in case of an HTMLInputElement). It pastes into the element itself by default, but another element can be passed in.


A common use case is to add a paste button in a form or editor.

    import { paste } from 'svu/action';
    let input;

<input type="text" placeholder="enter code" bind:this={input} />

<button use:paste={input}>Paste from clipboard.</button>



  • optional: yes
  • type: HTMLElement | string
  • default value: the element itself


This action does not dispatch any events.


If the target is not a HTMLInputElement, this action pastes into the textContent of the element. This means you cannot use it to paste content that should be parsed as HTML. You probably won't want to do this (because that opens up the possibility of XSS attacks) anyway.

This does not (yet) work on mobile devices.