⚠️ The content of the docs have not yet been updated for the current version of svu.
https:// svu / action / copy


This action copies the textContent of the element (or the value in case of a HTMLInputElement) to the clipboard. It copies the element itself by default, but another element can be passed in.


A common use case is to add a click to copy button to a code block. You can see it in action in the code blocks in these docs.

    import { copy } from 'svu/action';

<button use:copy={'#code'}>Copy code block.</button>

<pre id="code">
    <!-- this is your awesome code block -->



  • optional: yes
  • type: HTMLElement | string
  • default value: the element itself


This action does not dispatch any events.


If the target is not a HTMLInputElement, this action copies the textContent of the element. This means its content is not parsed as HTML when copying elements with children, so <p> and <br/> tags (and associated line breaks) are not preserved.

This does not (yet) work on mobile devices.