⚠️ The content of the docs have not yet been updated for the current version of svu.
https:// svu / action / select


Selects the content of the element (or a specified target) on click. If the element is an input element, it selects the value, otherwise it selects all childNodes (text and elements).


A common usecase is to select the content of a <input> element.

    import { select } from 'svu/action';
    let value = 'initial value';

<input type="text" bind:value use:select />


This action has one option:


The element whose content should be selected. If not specified, the element itself is used.

  • Optional: yes
  • Type: HTMLElement
  • Default value: The node itself.


This action does not dispatch any events.


This action does not yet support passing in a target using a query selector, unlike many other svus.