⚠️ The content of the docs have not yet been updated for the current version of svu.
https:// svu / action / themetoggle


Sets the data-theme attribute of the html element to a theme or the next of a list of themes on click.


It's commonly used to toggle the theme of a site between a predefined list. It's used in the theme toggle button at the top of this page.

    import { themetoggle } from 'svu/action'

<button use:themetoggle="['light', 'dark']">
    Toggle theme

<button use:themetoggle={"dark"}>
    Set theme to dark

    :global([data-theme='light']) {
        background: #fafafa;

    :global([data-theme='dark']) {
        background: #333;


This takes one option, which can be either a theme or a list of themes. If it's a theme it sets the theme on click, if it's a list it loops through the list.

  • Optional: yes
  • Type: string | string[]
  • Default value: ['light', 'dark']