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https:// svu / action / press


Dispatches an event and calls an optional handler if an element is pressed down for a certain amount of time. Can be added multiple times in order to have different things happen after different amounts of time.


Most commonly used on button elements.

    import { press } from 'svu/action';
    let buttonText = 'Press me for 1s';
    const changeText = () => (buttonText = 'You did it!');

<button use:press={{ duration: 1000, handler: changeText }}>


You can pass in an options object with the following parameters: You can also pass in a number, which will be interpreted as the duration.


The time in milliseconds how long the element needs to be pressed down for.

  • Optional: no
  • Type: number
  • Default value: none


The function to call when the element is pressed down for the specified amount of time.

  • Optional: yes
  • Type: function
  • Default value: noop


This action dispatches one event:


Emitted when the button has been pressed for duration milliseconds. The event payload is the duration of the press. This can be used to distinguish between different events if multiple press actions are added.


This action is fired while the button is pressed down. If you want to release a button after or within a certain time, you will need the timedclick action.

In order to have a complicated interaction on the button element, you can use the press and timedclick actions in conjunction with each other. You can also add multiple press actions to the same element. The press action can also be used with any standard events such as on:pointerdown and on:pointerup.