⚠️ The content of the docs have not yet been updated for the current version of svu.
https:// svu / action / keyup


Execute a function on keyup. Pass in a map of key names to functions to execute the function on key.


A common use case is to add keyboard shortcuts, e.g. to close a modal with the escape key.

    import { keyup } from 'svu/action';
    let modal = true;
    let close = () => (modal = false);

<div on:keyup={{ 'Shift+Escape': close }}>
    <!-- modal closes on shift + escape -->


This action has one option:


A map of key strings to functions to execute.

The key string is a valid Key string like 'a' 'Shift or 'Escape'. It supports modifiers separated with a + sign. The key to test for always comes last. We sanitise modifiers (e.g. change cmd, Win, or Super to Meta), if we are unable to match an invalid modifier, it is ignored.

  • Cmd+Shift+A

    Is a valid key string. (Cmd will be interpreted as Meta)

  • Shift+A+B

    Is not a valid key string. This will be interpreted as Shift+B (since A is treated as an invalid modifier and we are unable to sanitise it into a known value).

  • A+Shift

    Is not a valid key string. The key to test for should come last. This will be interpreted as Shift (since A is treated as an invalid modifier and we are unable to sanitise it into a known value).


  • Optional: no
  • Type: { [key: string]: Function }
  • Default value: none


This action does not dispatch any events.


keyboard modifiers (shift, ctrl, alt, meta) are not yet supported.

If you need to handle a function on keydown see use:keydown. If you need something to happen while the key is pressed down you can use keydown and keyup in conjunction with each other.